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Best Architecture Books

In 2018, many interesting publications on architecture have been published. Dutch Architecture website De Architect selected the Best Architecture Books of 2018. Five books in the selection come from our publishing house! Which one do you have? 

TEXTBOOK. Kees Chistiaanse 
Kees Christiaanse is one of the field’s most influential forces in urban design over the last half-century. Textbook spans 30 years of the well-known urban designer and architect Kees Christiaanse’s thinking about cities. He is responsible for large urban projects, including Hamburg HafenCity, Rotterdam’s waterfront revitalization and London’s Olympic Legacy Plan. Illustrations of Christiaanse’s sketches, personal notebook pages and watercolours complement this unique collection.

The Noise Landscape. A Spatial Exploration of Airports and Cities. The expansive areas around large airports, affected by noise, infrastructure, and transient forms of architecture, have until now not been researched as a phenomenon. On the basis of eight European case studies, this book provides the first account of how these landscapes emerged as the result of technical determinations, what is taking place in them, and how they can be interpreted.

Architectuur in Nederland. Jaarboek 2017/18. For over 30 years Architecture in the Netherlands has provided an indispensable overview of Dutch architecture for everyone with a professional or more general interest in the subject. The three editors select special projects that have been completed in the preceding year and describe the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture, paying particular attention to new types of housing, the circular economy, the rediscovery of the periphery and the public role of architecture in times of privatization.

OASE Journal for Architecture #100 The 100th issue of OASE takes the journal’s long-standing collaboration with its graphic designer Karel Martens as a starting point to explore the relationship between architecture journals and graphic design. In doing so, it challenges the conventional idea that architecture journals are mere carriers of information, showing instead how these journals play a defining role in the message they convey.

Het Bezield Modernisme van A.H. Wegerif. Architectuur als beschavingsideaal. (Dutch only)
Een waardevolle bijdrage aan de geschiedschrijving van het Nederlandse modernisme. Dit boek beschrijft de levensloop van architect A.H. Wegerif die een maatschappijkritische houding verenigt met een positieve, opbouwende instelling. Aan de hand van zijn ontwerpen, publicaties en maatschappelijke inzet wordt getoond hoe Wegerif zijn opvatting heeft vormgegeven.

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