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Architectuur als middel voor een nieuwe toekomst / Architecture as a Means for a New Future

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Mei architects and planners

> 25 years of leading architectural projects by Mei architects and planners
> In conversation with experts Marinke Steenhuis, Arzu Ayikgezmez, Piet Vollaard, Sophie Stravens and Kirsten Hannema on current social issues
> With new build and transformation projects like the modular Smarthouse, the Schiecentrale, Fenix I and SAWA
> Uncovered through techniques, revealing the pioneer work in re-use in and innovation in architecture
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The fiercely social and vigorously innovative Mei architects and planners realizes trend-setting buildings in the Netherlands and abroad. This Rotterdam-based architecture firm has built up an idiosyncratic oeuvre in which respect for the environment is central.

This first overview shows works of the past 25 years. From the 1995 modular Smarthouse to the wooden residential building SAWA that is currently being developed: they all display a fascination with intelligent building systems. Ambitious transformation plans, including those of projects such as the Schiecentrale, Fenix I and the silk factory in Naro-Fominsk, show how the firm has developed into a redevelopment pioneer.

Using a wide range of ingredients – from façade element and cultural cluster to marketing strategy – Included provides an insight into Mei’s working method. Discussions with various experts address underlying themes and their current relevance. While the ecological and social need for a different approach to the built environment grows, Mei is exploring new ways of working by doing, building on developed design principles and expertise.
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authors / editors

Robert Winkel, Sanne van den Breemer e.a.






February 2023




Dutch, English


384 p



NAi Boekverkopers / Booksellers