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Marker Wadden (English)

Nature, Building, Designing

€ 39,95
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> The unique design story of the Marker Wadden in words and pictures
> A new chapter in the Dutch land-making tradition
> Winner Dutch Design Award 2021, Habitat

The design story of Marker Wadden is unique. This man-made group of uninhabited islands in the Markermeer mainly comprises marshes and shallow waters, which makes them perfect bird habitats. Only the main island is accessible to the public.

This newest piece of the Netherlands – its landscape, the urban design of the settlement and the architecture – has been designed with care and attention. An impressive approach that leaves the shaping of the landscape largely to nature. By realizing Marker Wadden, client foundation Natuurmonumenten (Nature monuments) has taken the first step in restoring the lake’s ecology, which had been deteriorating rapidly after the construction of the Houtrib Dike (the connection between Enkhuizen and Lelystad) in 1976.

This richly illustrated publication discusses all aspects of the design story, from the construction using sand, clay and silt from the Markermeer to the placement of the off-grid settlement, and presents the insights and lessons learned from this extraordinary design effort in words and pictures.
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authors / editors

Teun van den Ende (red.) Met bijdragen van Rik de Visser (Vista landscape architects), Marcel van der Meijs (Palmboom Urban landscapes), Frits Palmboom, Franz Ziegler (Ziegler|Branderhorst), Teun van den Ende (zelfstandig redacteur) en Kelly Shannon (KU Leuven, gastbijdrage).

with support from

Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Van Eesteren, Fluck en Van Lohuizen Stichting


Maud van Rossum




June 2023






208 p



NAi Boekverkopers / Booksellers