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Weather in the City

How Design Shapes the Urban Climate

€ 34,95
verkoop door nai boekverkopers

> Highly relevant due to global climate change: solutions for a more comfortable urban climates in temperate regions
> Richly illustrated with photo’s, drawings and practical examples
> International edition of the successful Dutch publication
> Watch here the presentation by Sanda Lenzholzer
> Read here the article on Wageningen

A beautifully designed square where you are almost blown over, an apartment in the city where the summer heat keeps you awake at night. We all know examples of urban and landcape architectural design that doesn’t sufficiently take the urban climate into account. With clear texts and insightful and inspirational illustrations, this book shows how clever urban design can make the city more comfortable.

The way we experience the microclimate depends on physical and environmental psychological factors. Based on these factors, the way the basic processes of the urban climate work, and how these can be influenced through spatial planning and urban design are explained. Weather in the city. How Design Shapes the Urban Climate is richly illustrated with photographs, illustrations and many examples from temperate climate regions all over the world. It is a reference work as well as an inspirational book for everyone working on a liveable city: commissioners, policymakers, professionals and students in urban design, landscape architecture and planning.
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authors / editors

Sanda Lenzholzer

in collaboration with

Wageningen University






March 2015


sold out




216 p



NAi Boekverkopers / Booksellers