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Architecture in the Netherlands

Yearbook 2019 / 2020

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‘Hallmark of good architecture’ - NRC Handelsblad

> 33rd edition of the international showcase for Dutch architecture

> Bekijk de programmering

> Lees het interview met de jaarboekredactie op A.ZINE

For over 30 years Architecture in the Netherlands has provided an indispensable overview of Dutch architecture for everyone with a professional or more general interest in the subject.

The Yearbook is the international showcase for Dutch architecture. The three editors select special projects that have been completed in the preceding year and describe the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture.

The Yearbook editors are Kirsten Hannema (freelance architecture critic for de Volkskrant, Elsevier and ArchitectuurNL), Teun van den Ende (Vers Beton, freelance researcher and advisor) and Arna Mackic (co-founder Studio L A, winner Young Maaskant Prize 2017).

In the essays, the people who inhabit and use those buildings and cities are front and centre. How do you create spaces that facilitate encounters and where all are welcome? Arna Macˇkic´ argues that this begins with the composition of the design team: is the team capable of establishing connections through design, or are the architects too blinkered by their own narrow field of vision? Kirsten Hannema explores the binding power of stories embedded in places and buildings. Teun van den Ende looks at the relation between politics and architecture, and the measures needed to guarantee the accessibility of cities. Guest writer, Adeola Enigbokan, puts the ball in the architect’s court; in her view it is time they looked beyond their role as professional to their role as citizen and friend.

This publication also contains a survey of the most important awards, competitions, exhibitions and publications of the past year.
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authors / editors

Editors: Kirsten Hannema, Teun van den Ende, Arna Mackic. Guest writer: Adeola Enigbokan


Joseph Plateau




September 2020




Dutch, English


176 p



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