Architecture in the Netherlands (e-book)

Yearbook 2018 / 2019

> 31ste editie van het internationale visitekaartje voor de Nederlandse bouwkunst

> ‘Keurmerk voor goede architectuur’ - NRC Handelsblad

> Presentatie i.s.m. Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam

> 31ste editie van het internationale visitekaartje voor de Nederlandse bouwkunst

> ‘Keurmerk voor goede architectuur’ - NRC Handelsblad

> Presentatie i.s.m. Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam

For over 30 years Architecture in the Netherlands has provided an indispensable overview of Dutch architecture for everyone with a professional or more general interest in the subject.

The Yearbook is the international showcase for Dutch architecture. The three editors select special projects that have been completed in the preceding year and describe the most important developments that influence Dutch architecture.

The Yearbook editors are Kirsten Hannema (freelance architecture critic for de Volkskrant, Elsevier Juist and ArchitectuurNL), Robert-Jan de Kort (architect and co-founder of the De Kort Van Schaik architecture and urbanism studio) and Lara Schrijver (Professor of Architecture at the University of Antwerp and DAAD guest lecturer at the Dessau Institute of Architecture).

This publication also contains a survey of the most important awards, competitions, exhibitions and publications of the past year.
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authors / editors

editors: Kirsten Hannema, Robert-Jan de Kort, Lara Schrijver, Christine de Baan


Joseph Plateau



publication date

May 2019




Dutch, English


176 p



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