also available:
> Discover the resilience of designers in times of crisis and the value of design to future challenges
> An edition by BNO (Association of Dutch Designers), the largest professional community of designers and design agencies in the Netherlands
Every year, the BNO publishes the Dd Yearbook. Dd’23-24 both looks back on the past design year and looks forward to the future. The yearbook consists of essays and interviews, striking graduation work from Dutch design schools, award-winning work and portraits of trendsetting design heroes.
This year, the focus is on ‘naturing’: on the collaboration of designers with nature or natural processes. This refers to more than just designing with natural materials. The book mainly includes projects that show actual collaborations between designers and nature or natural processes.
In this issue, the BNO asks not only how designers see the world of tomorrow, but also how they can help formulate answers to the environmental, social and economic challenges the world is facing. Will things stay the same, or will we make room for innovation and, by extension, nature?
Barbara van Santen (red.), Sophie Tijssen (red.), Edo Dijksterhuis, Pao Lien Djie, Rita van Hattum, Diana Janssen, Jeroen Junte, Koert van Mensvoort, Madeleine van Lennep, Viveka van de Vliet
BNO Beroepsvereniging Nederlandse Ontwerpers
Studio de Ronners
December 2023
Dutch, English
192 p
e-book (pdf)