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Stadsnatuur bouwen

Naar een natuurinclusieve architectuur

€ 39,95
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About Making Urban Nature:
‘All those tips, they make you itching to get started.’ (Trouw newspaper, 2017)

‘The book shows that conserving nature in the city is vital for a liveable city, for plants, animals and people alike. The book shows us a way forward in this.’ (Landleven, magazine, 2017)

> Successor to the highly acclaimed book Making Urban Nature, which saw multiple reprints
> Richly illustrated with many practical examples
> Pioneering with flora and fauna in architecture
> From green facades, green roofs and quay walls to designing habitats for insects, birds and bats

The city is not only the habitat of people, but also of plants and animals. Building Urban Nature is a call for nature-inclusive, bio-receptive architecture that inspires designers to incorporate nature in their work and encourages initiatives towards a green, biodiverse and healthy city.

With examples of realized projects, it shows how nature values can be incorporated into our buildings. The publication discusses the conditions for settlement of fl ora and fauna on and on top of our buildings, as well as the design methods, strategies and techniques that are useful in this regard. Linking ecological theory to the building practice helps designers, architects and ecologists to make architecture nature-inclusive.

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authors / editors

Piet Vollaard, Jacques Vink, Niels de Zwarte

in collaboration with

Bureau Stadsnatuur Rotterdam

with support from

Creative Industries Fund NL, BPD Cultuurfonds, Bureau Stadsnatuur, City of Rotterdam, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, J.E. Jurriaanse Stichting


Antenna Men




December 2023






224 p



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